Salam n hye everyone~!!
There are 3 pics that you have to "LIKE". By liking 1 pic, you will get 1 name. So, the more you like, the more names you'll get in the list of voters + the better chance to win!
OK, enough chit's what you've gotta do:
1. Pic 1 (
2. Pic 2 (
3. Pic 3 (
4. Leave your Facebook ID in the comment section below. Each pic have different voting periods, so plz state which pic that you have liked. Once a pic's voting period has ended, I will cross out the pic's link.
5. Deadline:
6. Prizes have been updated!! --> here <--
Additional condition for bloggers (optional)
* Write an entry about this lucky draw. Juz paste the banner, and put the link of this entry & the deadline in your entry. [You will get 1 extra name in the list of voters] >_<
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