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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Winners of lucky draw & GA~... Congrats~!!

* sticky post until all winners have given their details *
(scroll down for newer posts ^_^)

Salam n hye everyone~!!

Now is the time that most of you are anticipating for, the announcement of the results! Firstly, I'd like to express my gratitude to all of you that have participated in either "September B'day GA" or "Vote for Us" Lucky Draw (or maybe both!). Arigato gozaimasu, minna-san~!!
arigato !!

Ok, now for the results~... I'm gonna announce the winners of "September B'day GA" first. These numbers were picked by So let's see if you're lucky!! ^_^ (click here to know your lucky number)
1st prize winner

 2nd prize winner

3rd prize winner

Consolation prize winners

Apart from that, I know some of you have gone through the trouble of wishing me & Hubby for our b'days. So, I picked out one entry that has the best wish.

Special prize winner

65. Nida

Congrats Kak Nida. Your wishes, poems and all have really made me happy & touched at the same time! (you should read her entry to know why I picked her) >_<

To pick the winners for "Vote for Us" Lucky Draw, I wrote all the names in pieces of paper, before randomly picking them out. 

Therefore, these are the winners who have been picked by my hand!! Sori about the low quality of the pics, huhu~... Plus, I've added 1 more winner, hehe...

Winners of 1st - 4th prize 

Consolation prize winners

Apart from that, the winner of the "Most votes Prize" goes to:

Most votes Prize

13. nurul nabila medan (39x)

Omedeto!! Congrats to all winners~!!! Plz email me your name, address & lucky number to greennnpanda[at]gmail[dot]com, with the subject title "Yatta~!! I'm the winner!!" Do email me a.s.a.p coz I wanna post the prizes next week. To know what you've won, juz click here or here.

For those who weren't lucky, don't be sad. The b'day list page that I made especially for the GA participants will be in my blog for one year, or maybe longer. You're welcome to drop by & see who's b'day is coming up. Juz click here.

Thanks for reading & happy blogging~!!

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Nani said...

hmmm.. bukan rezeki saya.. D; tahniah yer sume yg menang. kalau sudi doakan saya menang ga/contest yg lain plak. =)

Unknown said...

thanx :)
nabila dh sent detail :)

Nisa Greennnpanda said...

@Nani: xpe, maybe awk ade rezeki kat contest/GA lain, kn? Gud luck & all the best!! thanks for joining~..

@nabila: hehe.. ok, dh dpt email..thanks!

kakngah said...

tahniah pd semua yg menang...

IntaNBerliaN said...

Eh.. sy menang ke?? wah xcaya blh mnang lucky draw anjuran nisa.. hihi

sy dpt cotton inner ke? hihii suker3.... yippieeeee... mmg dh berminat dgn inner skrg ni sbb tgh blajar nk guna shawl.. tgk nisa pakai shawl cntik je.. :-)

ohya, nisa ada lg x detail saya?.. kalau xda, sy blh send lg.. (^_^)

Joel Leslie said...


Can't believe that I won this time! :DDDD hoooorayyyy! finally it's my luck this time. thank you Nisa & family and also ! :')

you totally made my day ! :D

I'd sent my details. Do inform if you already received it. :D

have a great day! :DDD

♥♥azatiesayang ♥♥ said...

salam Nisa..Rezeki diawal oct.Alhamdllh.terima kasih kpd nisa ya:D
K.atie dah htr email..dpt tk?

shidasyakirin said...

lekat gak nama :)
pos kat address biasa la. nisa ada simpan lagi kan alamat tu?

Nisa Greennnpanda said...

@kakngah: hehe..nape xjoin?? ^_^

@Ina: yes dear, awk mnang.. yup, mnang cotton inner, hehe... Thanks for the compliments..(w/pun sy nie main hentam je pki shawl camne pun). Yup, address awk still ade lg, don't worry..

@Joel: Yeah, u won!! Feels great, right? >_< Yup, got ur email. Thanks~..

@Kak Atie: hihi~..same2 kak.. sy dh dpt email akak dh, thanks ye..

@shida: address subang tue ke? ade lg, hehe.. ok, sy pos ke address tue ye..

Nida n' Hanafi said...

wah..wah..wah.. ni yang makin sayang kat Nisa'..hehe. Sorry lambat bertindak, ada simpan lagi tak address Kak Nida..hehe.

Thanks ye Nisa'.. rasa macam nak peluk-peluk je..hehe (berapa banyak hehe daaaaa)

Nisa Greennnpanda said...

@Kak Nida: hehe..sayang akak gak~!! ^_^ thanks for the lovely entry eh.. yup, sy mmg simpan lg address akak tue.. *hugs back* <3

Admin said...

tahniah2 kepada yang berjaya.


Unknown said...

wah..tak sangka queenpink menang..

ada alamat queenpink kan pada kad raya queenpink..hehe..

sent pada alamat itu ye..thanks banyak2..

Nisa Greennnpanda said...

@NasZ: ^_^

@QUEENPINK: hehe..congrats ye.. owh, address kat kad raye tue eh? pos ke situ ye..

Anne Wahid said...

alahai...tak cukup luck lagi...no3 tak kena, no4 pulak kena...hurm...tahniah untuk semua pemenang yang bertuah....

Nisa Greennnpanda said...

@zahidah: jgn la sdih ye.. maybe next time zahidah lucky ke, kn? maybe bkn kat sni tp kat GA lain..hihi~.. btw, insya-Allah akn ade lucky draw br nnti, hehe.. ^_^

tiefazatie said...

wah..tahniah pada semua pemenang..=)

hamzah ian said...

tahniah semua.. hehehe

NM02 said...

singgah follow sini

jom, sudi2 follow ai pulak



tahniah pada pemenang

Unknown said...

wah....tahniah kepada yang menang!

Nisa Greennnpanda said...

@Ifa: hihi~..nnti sy wat GA, ifa join lg ye...

@hamzah ian: thanks drop by..

@NM02: hye~!! ok2..nnti sy follow ye..

@Santri: ^_^ thanks sudi singgah sni..

Ce'gu JAERA said...

wahh, tahnia pada pemenang... seronok

anamizu said...

wahh ramainye pemenang!
ruginye cik ana melepas..hehe

salam kenal,
cik ana :)

Nisa Greennnpanda said...

@Gen2Merah & anmizu: xpe2, insy-Allah sy akn anjurkn GA or lucky draw dlm bln nie.. ^_^ (still dlm planning)

ieda =.= said...

wahhhh..tahniah kepada semua pemenang.. ^_^

Nisa Greennnpanda said...

@syieda: tue la, rugi syeida xjoin ari tue, hehe.. kalo x, ntah2 mnang kot, ngehehe... >_<

Kak Amy said...

Tahniah kepada semua pemenang...

Nisa Greennnpanda said...

@amy: ^_^

ct kektus said...

congarates pada yg menang. hehehe :p

Nisa Greennnpanda said...

@siti kektus: nnti sy wat GA/lucky draw lg, awk join eh, hehehe...

Nida said...

Salam Nisa'... Maaf lambat nak buat entri penghargaan...


Nisa Greennnpanda said...

@Kak Nida: Salam kak.. Thanks a lot ye for the entry!! so nice of u.. *hugs* >_<

nuyui a.k.a miss YUI said...

tahniah kepada yg berjaya!

dilazfamily said...

Salam terima kasih inform dilaz
dah hantar detail kat email.terima kasih sekali lagi

Nisa Greennnpanda said...

@yui: ^_^

@dilaz: Salam.. ok, dh dpt dh email dilaz..hehe..