Salam n hye everyone~!! I'm offline now. If you've come here, leave a trace & I'll visit you back. ^_^

Thursday, October 27, 2011

SEGMEN | Lyssa Faizureen Ajak Kenali Blogger . Jom Serbu !!

Salam n hye everyone~!!

Let's join this segment by Lyssa. It ends today by 4p.m. So hurry & click the banner above if you wanna join. ^_^

So..whaddaya wanna know about me?

* I'm born in KL, been living in my grandma's house for a while when I was little.
* I've stayed overseas for some years, 1 year or so in England & 3-4 years in Scotland.
* When I came back to Malaysia nearing the end of 1997, my family & I moved to stay in Shah Alam.
* I'm the 1st child of 6 siblings; 4 bros & 1 sis.
* I'm currently studying in UM, taking a degree course in Languages & Linguistics, majoring in English.
* I'm a wife, mother, daughter, student & a lover of GREEN & pandas~!!

Why I started blogging & who influenced me?

* I started blogging in August last year.
* I was greatly influenced by my frens: Shea Syahirah, Syud & Sharon. I enjoyed reading their blogs, then thought that I should start one as well.
* I used to keep a diary during my school days. So...this blog is like my online diary, hihi~..

Hope that sums up on what you would like to know about me, hihi~.. Dozo yoroshiku ne~!!!

Thanks for reading & happy blogging~!!

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Nida n' Hanafi said...

Kak Nida teringin nak ke Scotland...

Nisa Greennnpanda said...

@Kak Nida: ye ke kak? hehe.. tp at least akak ade pengalamn live kat NZ, kn?? ^_^

aien_sunflowerz said...

segmen yg sama..jemput jenguk saya :) cpt join..smpai pukul 4 ptg ni jew .. :)

Admin said...

macam best je segmen ni. tapi tak dapat la nak join sebab tgh kursus skrg ni. hehehe.

Anonymous said...


xsempat nak joint sbb tadi kt opis busy...sob2...

Wanie Wonek said...

hye singgah sini dari segmen yang sama. done follow u tau. jom terjah blog saya pulak. hehehe

Nisa Greennnpanda said...

@Aien_sunflower: ok, dh singgah n follwo u dh.. ^_^

@NasZ: ke?

@ryn: dh singgah dh ari tue..

@syieda: ala, xpe la, hehe.. lain kli aa syieda join..

@wanie: dh follow awk gak.. thanks!!

Nurul Amirah Anis said...

Salam,sya dri segmen yg sama..Fllow awk..fllow sya kalau blm fllow..^_^

Nisa Greennnpanda said...

@Nurul Amirah: thanks ye.. dh follow awk.. ^_^

Amalina Lee said...

Assalamualaikum w.b.t :) Hello admin. Lina serbu blog ni, dah follow pun. Kalau ada masa, jom terjah sini balik. Happy blogging~

Nisa Greennnpanda said...

@yana sopian: thanks dh follow awk dh..

@amalina: thanks ye..dh follow awk..

@MIssy Diya: salam knal.. dh follow u back.. ^_^ TQ

fieda said...

kak fieda dtg jenguk sini..wah..nisa duk oversea lama jugak ye..bestnya..semoga nisa sukksess sokmo...Happy blogging dear...

Nisa Greennnpanda said...

@Sarah Hanim: Hye! Thanks ye sudi dtg sni..dh follow u..

@Kak Fieda: hehe.. dok oversea coz ayah sy study kat sane.. jgn arap la dpt gi sndri, hehe.. thanks kak!!

miss jambu said...

genk datang sini ^^

Marina said...

marina datang serbu blog ni dari segmen lyssa...

Nisa Greennnpanda said...

@Genk: thanks.. dh visit back..

@Cik Tyrah: Thanks ye!! dh follow awk..

@Marina: thanks dtg serbu sni.. sy dh visit n follow blog awk..