Thanks a bunch to all of you who have participated & voted in my "Vote for Us" Lucky Draw~!! The lucky draw is now closed.
So, below here are the list of names that have joined & voted. FYI, participants will get extra names if:
* they have made an entry about this lucky draw,
* if their friends, family members etc have voted too,
* and if they have voted for the felt pic as well.
Therefore, the list will show the participants' names + the total number of their votes & extra names.
1. Cute MuM (3x)
2. fieda (7x)
3. Fadzillah Kamarudin (2x)
4. shidasyakirin (23x)
5. IntaNBerliaN (12x)
6. eB ezrin (3x)
7. Joel Leslie (3x)
8. ainie yusof (3x)
9. zaikulim (2x)
10. mj (31x)
11. KaRiMaH (1x)
12. QUEENPINK (3x)
13. nurul nabila medan (39x)
14. asiah_najihah (13x)
15. ☀ Izzaty Hedry ☀ (2x)
16. Golden Rose (3x)
17. ♥♥ azatiesayang ♥♥ (3x)
18. CikMisi (3x)
19. fawzeah zea (2x)
20. Cik Rose Cute (4x)
21. tiefazatie (2x)
Ok, there, done!! Hehe.. I will pick out the winners via names & not numbers.. (I think most of you have more than 1 name, hehe..) The result will be announced some time tomorrow (1 Oct 2011), along with the result of "September B'day GA". Stay tuned!!
Thanks for reading & happy blogging~!!
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