Remember that I wrote about winning the lucky voter prize in Nippon Paint "I Like My Home" Contest? (click here to refresh your memory) Well, good news! I've received the Blobby plush toy last Saturday~!!!
To my utmost pleasure, I received a green Blobby (green's my fave colour~!!!!!! >_<) Here's what it looks like...
I'm juz really glad to have won this, coz it's unique, and you won;t get it anywhere except from Nippon Paint. So thanks a lot Nippon Paint~!! ^_^
Thanks for reading. Happy blogging & happy fasting~!!
Plz vote for my family~!!
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huaaaaaa dengki la pulak.. sbb saya pun nk tp xdapat... hahhah
syok sbb duk tgk org dpt dalam cerita apa ek dlm tv tu.. yg azhar sulaiman pengacara..
best la nisa... tahniah.. sedap hannah peluk .. hihii
@Ina: owh..rancangan yg Azhar Sulaiman jd hos tue kn, pasal deko n hias rumah kn? hehe.. ala, sy lg jealous ngan ina, slalu mnang, huhu..
tahniahhhh sis ! :D
what a special gift. im jealous ! :p
okay, have a great day ~
isk jeles la pulak
ni pemenang tak dapat lagi ni
dah ler tak dpt join event tu
@Mimie: eh? mimie xgi eh event amik hadiah ari tue? nnti nippon paint dtg umah ke? hehehe...
@Joel: hehe.. thanks..
@syuhada: thanks for dropping by ye.. XP
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