Since today is a holiday (in conjunction with Nuzul al-Quran), I think it is the best day to announce the winners of "Vote for Nisa" Lucky Draw. Coz most probably many blogger will be online today, hihi~..
First of all, I'd like to thank all of you who have voted for my pic. Although I still don't know whether I'll win the Style Your Scarf Contest or not, the votes from you are very much appreciated. ^_^
A Hello Kitty handphone case each
(2 winners)
199. fieda
53. نور افيره
A Chelsea FC flag [courtesy of my bro]
& a button brooch [courtesy of Kraf Malinja] each
(2 winners)
A Chelsea FC flag [courtesy of my bro]
& a button brooch [courtesy of Kraf Malinja] each
(2 winners)
121. Izan Ishak
17. asiah_najihah
And not forgetting the person with the most number of votes:
(30 votes)
~A foldable bag from Bandung~
Congrats to the all 5 winners. Plz email me a.s.a.p your name & address to greennnpanda[at]gmail[dot]com. In addition to your prizes, you'll also get a Raya card from me too!! >_<
source: Google |
P/s - to Maryam Jamilah a.k.a MJ, who contributed the most votes in my previous lucky draw, your prize will be sent together with these winners.
Thanks for reading. Happy blogging & happy fasting~!!
Plz vote for my family~!!
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saya ada email detail. thanks nisa. ;)
email :
salam nisa..kak fieda bru perasan result..mekasih nisa....sayang nisa...
kak fieda email skrg yer..selamat menyambut aidil fitri nisa...
@Alia: ur welcome..
@Kak Fieda: hehe.. slamata ari raye gak ye.. ^_^
thanks sis..asiah dah emel kan detail..
as usual, i dint win. haihh. congrats winners !
@asiah: dh trime email dh, hehe..
@joel: awww..don't be sad.. cheer up n join my other lucky draw. ^_^ btw, there'll be a GA next month.. do join!!!! >_<
dear, sy nk tukar alamt.. :)
dh sent smula my address kt ur fB... ^^
tahniah pd yg menang :-)
@to all winners: hadiah korg dh pos tau..hehe..
@Ina: ^_^
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