I'm joining this segment by deqlis. It ends on 31 July 2011, at 12 midnight. Click the banner to join.
My first experience of fasting would be when I was in Scotland. Yup, that's right. If my memories are right, I started to learn fasting during the years when my family & I were abroad in Scotland.
I tried my very best to fast...(I really did). But a few times, when I couldn't stand the temptations, I went to have a drink at the watercooler at school. Haha...so much for fasting. But I never did tell Ummi about it. XP
Being a little child in a foreign country at that time, I did find it a bit hard to fast. How was your 1st experience at fasting? >_<
Thanks for reading & happy blogging~!! Happy fasting too!
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